Without admitting it's any of his fault for being provocative, Park51's crusader for squishy Muslim cred has begun washing his hands.
If he had it to do over again, the Imam behind the "Ground Zero mosque" would have ditched the plan.
"I would never have done it," Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf told Christiane Amanpour on ABC's "This Week" on Sunday, when asked if he would have proposed it knowing the controversy it would spark.
"I'm a man of peace," he said. "The whole objective of peace work is not to do something that would provoke controversy."
Well, I told you so. But of course he won't leave without some backbiting. It's all Palin's fault that we all can't get along and I can't build whatever I want. Not to take the reporting of the Daily News too seriously, it's all rather cheesy for him to start saying what upstanding citizens American Muslims are (as if he represented).
"We are Americans, too," the Imam said. "We are doctors. We are investment bankers. We are taxi drivers. We are store keepers. We are lawyers. We are -- we are part of the fabric of America."
As contrasted to the fabric that said no, and you're not going to get any money or political support from our swath. Rauf will now go sit in a corner with Rev. Wright and try to figure out what's wrong with America for not appreciating the salience of his vision. The answer is, of course, nothing so long as you keep your ambitions from making you think that you're more important than you are.
There are 30 mosques in Manhattan but only one that's been trashed by zealotry. Rauf needs only blame himself for hitching his rhetorical harpoons to the great white whale of 9/11. Now the fork is stuck in him, and he's done.
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