It's wantable. Two reasons and an implication not explicity spoken by Steve Jobs.
1. It's cheap enough to be a disposable item. It's quiet enough to make me abandon my XBox as the alternate video source. I like Boxee, but it takes too much power for my worthless netbook to handle streaming to my TV. Boxee takes over everything and doesn't quit gracefully. I think it's time to admit once and for all that we need dedicated hardware. This is the right price.
2. It's small enough to take travelling. That means I'm going to check into my Marriott room and unplug the HDMI behind their flat screen and plug my Apple TV in, whip out my iPhone and stream the movies I have via AirPlay. How sweet is that? Very.
What's new and significant about this release of Apple stuff is that they have clearly turned the corner as a consumer products company, and they have simply destroyed Sony. Mushed Sony's face into the pavement. And they are still, evidently passionate about their product innovation. Apple is where Nike was a year or so after they went huge. Apple has gone huge and they've kept the quality high.
I thought about something this morning. I overheard the words 'clock radio'. I have a clock radio, but I only use it as a clock, and not even an alarm clock. That's in my phone.
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