You are god, and all things work together for your own good. The problem is that you cannot willfully communicate your gospel to your people because your people are bacteria.
We once mentioned the understanding that a person replaces his cells something like 10 times in his life. You are not the same person you were, physically. All of your cells have been replaced. I think it's the brain cells that never get replaced - so the fact that you have memory and believe your self to be yourself probably has something to do with that. But a lot of the cell in your non-genetic self, are bacterial. In your gut, and a lot of other places, you are host to a community of microbes that make up part of you.
My friend Lee, the scientist tells me that researchers are coming to believe that human compatibility has a lot to do with our hosted microbial communities. That we might be genetically compatible on the order of 99% but what really makes us strangers are that we might only share 40% of the same sorts of microbes.
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