The Obama administration has painted itself into a corner of harrowing stupidity, and they should have known better. Ahmed Ghailani was their showcase criminal, the man that Obama was going to show the world he could prosecute in open court and bring to justice. To satiate the political yelping against GTMO, this was the prize that Eric Holder boldly said:
"The Justice Department has a long history of securely detaining and successfully prosecuting terror suspects through the criminal-justice system, and we will bring that experience to bear in seeking justice in this case."
Score: Ghailani's legal team 284, US DOJ: 1
That's right. One single charge of conspiracy held up against 285 that were brought against the man who confessed that he was bin Laden's bodyguard. Shameful, incompetent, predictable.
Way back I was arguing for Richard Posner's third way, and I think I have been vindicated. So if the Administration wants to win, it should suddenly find this third way very appealing, then it won't have to back down on its reactionary policy of shutting down the GTMO trials or face continued humiliation in criminal courts.
Told you so.
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