Yesterday, over in Gardena, about a mile from where I work, one teenager shot two others. It was an accident, but it was a school shooting. Today, about 20 miles from where I work, there was another school shooting. How many days ago was there an assassination attempt in Arizona? I don't know, but it's enough to put politicians into overdrive to *do* something. I think the something will inevitably be bad, if it's allowed to happen.
For the record, I say this is a criminal justice problem. No legislation or executive action is required. Those two branches of government should sit down and shut up. Bring the guilty parties to justice, nuff said. I mean, we know that aggravated assault and attempted murder have been crimes for thousands of years. We don't need to hear anything new. We don't need to do anything new. But we've got peasants addicted to new, so new they will get.
For Gardena High School it's likely going to mean metal detectors and searches, TSA-style. I'm trying to think of a more obvious sign of social failure but I cannot.
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