I am bearing mute witness to a personal shitstorm in the comments which have rather little to do with the strategies and tactics of America's involvement in the liberation of Libya. But since having readmitted Thrasher, I have reasoned that my best practice should be to let barking dogs bark. There is a certain lack of personal interest I have in a number of subjective matters. I am generally of the opinion that although might doesn't make right, there is much to be said for the courage of one's convictions. So I look somewhat disinterestedly for bodies. It would be pleasing to me if we were to live in a society whose weight on personal honor were greater. In such a world I would gladly like to see a duel between these parties who now argue and insult.
Be all that as it may I have considered the value of moderation, but that makes more work for me. It's not worth it to be pre-emptive. But I will, on occasion destroy some comments in retrospect. As ever, my interest is not in restraining comment, but in restraining topic drift. There are no topics I will not discuss, as I think 8 years has shown, but I really hate it when I'm talking about what I think is Elizabeth Taylor's best film on the event of her death turns into WTF for trolls.
Mind the topics. If you don't like the topics, ask for a new one. Off topic bullshit will be erased without notice.
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