I hear that there's an official request from the President of the Uniteed States to the appropriate bureaucracy in Hawaii providing a birth certificate, putting to rest all rumors to the contrary. There's really only three things to say about this.
1. It illustrates that if the President wanted it done, it would be done. End of story. Therefore, he clearly didn't want it done.
2. Birthers need to STFU.
3. Birthers will not STFU. They will go find another conspiracy theory.
There are always parallels made between Birthers and Truthers. Some odd bunch of peasants who don't deserve franchise have managed, in our brain dead mediasphere to make headlines. That's nothing new. I think the better comparison is made between Birthers and the people who assumed that Dick Cheney was trying to make money from Haliburton and had secret meetings with energy people in his office. In both of these situations there is a level of contempt in the Oval Office that spits contemptuously at the presumption of irate citizens.
Clearly Obama was working on a principle.
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