I have discovered something about myself. I have a great deal more patience with controversy than the average bear. And what I've been finding, which might not be such a good thing, is that most people's conversations don't go on long enough for me.
When I had dinner with my cousin several weeks ago, it was the first time in quite a while that I'd been around people talking at length about something other than the computer industry. That's because most of the people there were educators talking about the education industry. But something annoyed me about the brevity of the other subjects discussed that I largely attributed to the relative youth of the folks in attendence. But now I have come to believe that it is nothing of the sort. I just am not satisfied with the amount of detail...
This evening, hanging out with another cousin rather confirmed it for me, as well as hanging out with my boss. I am an utter and total bore. I retain the capacity to discuss a topic into the ground, abstracting from stuff I read too much of.
It's a rather surprising discovery because it means I'm much more like my own father than I'm willing to admit.
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