I know why I didn't read Wuthering Heights when I was in the 7th grade. It's because it was the best book my teacher said she had ever read for her personally, and I didn't want to be like her, personally. The President of the United States was pretending not to be a crook and I didn't believe him. I wanted to be an astrogator, like Starman Jones. I had no need for the past or the present. Only the future. Only the future.
The future was unlimited to my fragile mind and seemed to be the only place I could be free.
Inverting the mantra
I spitefully said
Live for tomorrow, today we are dead
Today lingered on in the grip of the past
To hurry the future
Required the Blast
I looked all around and there was nothing there for me. Lady or Tiger was a game for those who politely asked for doors to be ope'd.
Enduring the grind and braving the narrows
I sharpened my mind amongst the straight arrows.
Scythwise I bent escaping my ghetto
Palms open, nose clean, secreted stilleto.
Every day out here on the nets I suffer the pangs and longings of those who want to inherit video codecs. They want a million luxuriant lines of code for free so they can be smart shoppers. They loathe the laws that bind them and hate the masters of the privy universe. Oh prithee demolish copyright so we might take videos of ourselves and our pain without tithing the lords. Do this for our hordes, please hordes.
Blades & Books
There are guns and movies and movies about guns and movies, but swords and books are better. How are they going to ban them? There is a silent minority of self-improvement to exemplify all that is human and worthy. They don't require such institutions as do we. They would rather self-sustain than be a part of the movement. I don't know where they live, and that's not important - it's probably part of the plan.
How is it that we in our lives do not have time to learn the bones of our own bodies? How do we become sensitive to the manipulations of councils who never send a man after us, but would only condescend to sell an inferior product at an inflated prices? Is this our oppression, the poverty of 3G in a 4G future? Today you are dead.
I am to become a man in the now. Appreciative of gifts of the past. I have realized my mortality and I am not friends with it.
I have exhausted my patience with the culture of resentment as they whine about the dimensions of their cultural and socio-political Gordian knots. I will have my swords, and my tomes. The rest is noise.
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