It is generally and falsely assumed that anything that makes black folks happy stands as evidence of a good America. Which is to say specifically that there is a miscalculation in the judgment that the suppression of racism surpasses all other moral concerns relating to black Americans. Since it is assumed (again falsely) that black cultural influence has always been suppressed because of racism, that any increase in black cultural influence is therefore evidence of the remission or defeat of racism. Since hiphop is everywhere it must be a good thing - and this goes without regard to the moral content of hiphop or the moral character of black hiphop artists, or black politicians, or black athletes, or black anything.
In this regard black success becomes an end in and of itself, the (false) presumption being that America's racism is so violent and evil that any success of any black American is worth any cost. And it is this fetish that the total value of any black American must necessarily be tied to the question of the elimination of racism that doubly binds the standing of any black American with race in our society.
This is an unquestioned assumption of both the group solipsism of the Talented Tenth and the white liberal Left.
I think this is a neat distillation.
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