A while back, several folks and I started a group blog called Vision Circle. I think we did a pretty good job handling a number of issues we felt were of weight and moment for black politics and culture. We retired the blog after several years, but it still exists with all of its comments, here within the Cobb family of blogs hosted by our good friends at Typepad.com.
A couple months ago, Spence contacted me to ask if I've heard anything from the legendary Prometheus6. I had not. Rumors were that he was in poor health. His blog was dark. Well we know he's alive and may very well be well. But he's not blogging any longer. Neither is LaShawn Barber. I haven't heard from George Kelly in a while.
So maybe we should have a Vision Circle Summit. And I'm thinking that for a couple weeks, until we are all bloviated out, we should talk about the past, present and future. Maybe make a few predictions, exchange ideas, give personal and professional updates, shoot the shit and basically make it into the black online Davos. Bet we could make some ducats and some impressions.
So here is a list of people I think would make for a healthy mix of some of the most notable black bloggers I've ever met. Who do you think should be on? What should we talk about? (And I'm not trying to load up the list with people I know, just the people who most impressed me... well I got to know most of them)
- Earl Dunovant - Prometheus Six
- George Kelly - Negrophile
- Lester K. Spence - Vision Circle, Blacksmythe
- Jimi Izrael - NPR
- Kevin Ross - The Kevin Ross Show
- Ed Brown - Vision Circle
- Del Gines - Adequate Defense
- Shay Riley - Booker Rising
- Oliver Willis - Oliver Willis
- Craig Nulan - Vision Circle, Subrealism
- EC Hopkins
- LaShawn Barber
I don't think you can say a whole lot about the black blogosphere without having consulted this group of individuals. I'm certainly out of date and I will amend this list to include people I forgot. So please don't get all wanky on me. Do you think it's a good idea as a media event? If you're on this list, please weigh in. If you're not on the list but have access to people on the list who may not drop by here on the regular, let 'em know. I'm going to try to pub this up myself and see what kind of traction I get.
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