So AT&T screwed me out of 12 months of international wifi at 60 bucks a month. The best I can get is a 60 day refund under the normal policy, but I got 120 days. Big whoop, I'm ready to threaten changing providers. So I'm sitting on the phone with Jane who is going through pushing buttons and clicking her mouse, and she's mouthing her actions. "OK move this over here, minimize, click that, enter ID".
Suddenly I'm not mad any more. As much as I want to punch somebody in the nose for this blatant ripoff, Jane is all breathy and vocal fry on the phone like she's Donna Summer singing Love to Love You Baby. Except it's all her thinking out loud about the actions she's taking on her terminal. "Mmm" she says, "that's strange". I'm sitting here getting all warmed up despite my actual intent to go ballistic because she's being all compliant and doing the best she can. WTF! I'm being mind-boinked by a CSR with a phone sex voice talking about rollover data plans.
Either AT&T has seriously upped their psy-ops or I need to take a cold shower before I get on the phone with customer support. Probably both. What is this world coming to?
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