Because I'm an asshole. I deserve to be hated. I'm happy to own that. So there. End of story. Oh wait. I was a black Conservative, and I voted Republican. That can never be forgiven or forgotten. So I guess the better question is why do Liberals hate black Conservatives. Even though I'm not a 'black Conservative', I have been one and I know how they operate. So I'll just pretend that I am one and answer that question in the present tense.
Why? Because we're assholes who know more about black people than they do and we dispute the veracity their worldview. Our persistent existence shortcuts the advantage they have in moral persuasion. Due to a typical lack of imagination, they must exemplify 'minorities' as victims of the system whose powers they seek to control. So they find loud minority individuals whose sentiments against the system they share and then extrapolate the net good that would accrue to all such victims would the electorate only hand over the reigns of power to their liberal vanguard.
Like gay men who truly cannot stand women, Muslims whose preferred laws are antithetical to humanism, and strong Christians who embrace secular pluralism, black Conservatives remind American Leftists of the failures of the multiculturalist agenda that has sustained their political popularity. But what truly makes them seethe is the fact that these factions owe them no particular debts, and have no reason to concede their power. So they jump from marginal group to marginal group, ever seeking to convince. This tactic is called 'throwing a dead cat on the table'. Well if blacks are doing ok, what about migrant farmworkers? Well if the farmworkers are not called 'illegal' then what about transgenders? Well if Caitlin Jenner is ok, what about Syrian refugees? They are in a race to dominate the conversation by finding some example that is so horrific that it gives them the upper hand, because surely Liberals care more for such people. In this way they both gain a potential foothold in that newly defined 'natural' constituency and demonize people who honestly don't know and don't care about the impoverished natural sponge fishermen of northern Florida who have been put out of business by the evil Koch Brother's domination of the cellulose fiber industry. And what kind of kitchen sponge do YOU use, my brother?
The difficulty is that Liberals seek to rule by consensus, they still have the brains to recognize the contradiction of appropriating power by coercion. So they choose sophisticated duplicity instead. This is why Political Correctness requires new vocabulary every three years. "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit." They are required to use doublespeak in order to elide that they are doing more for the people than the people could possibly do for themselves. Tell me really, when was the last time somebody was 'empowered'? Liberals want to take all the credit by saying everything good that happens does so because it was their idea. And so they project back and forth through history (revisionism being their nuclear weapon) to establish what they believe to be a hegemonic moral narrative. Only Howard Zinn, they say, can deliver a true People's History. And so the Liberal orthodoxy is established through clever wordsmithing and anything that tinkers with that is nothing more or less, they say, than the work of the devil. It is something the new Social Justice Workers know very well.
I leave it to you to ask a Liberal to describe with scientific precision the difference between justice and 'social justice'. There is actually no clearer answer than this. "Justice is what the current system provides. It is actually injustice. Social Justice is what Liberals will provide once we run the system. It will be true justice".
Liberals hate me because I am immune to their seductions and I recognize their naked lust for power.
What's more is that I am a has been conservative, but now I am a Stoic and relatively disinvested in democratic politics in the US. I care more about the function of society, those things that cannot be appropriated or negotiated by electoral politics and the posturing that passes for debate. I'd much rather talk about food, because, although they're trying to apply their Liberal revisionism to the propriety of gluten (aka wheat), there is still room in America to talk about what is actually good food and what food stinks. Yet I suspect it won't be long before people take more of their faux-hegemonic classifications of food more and more seriously. Then they'll really hate me.
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