Bigotry is sustained evangelical prejudice.
For example. I might say that Stephen Curry is a freak of nature and the Golden State Warriors are cheating and therefore should be expelled from the NBA. Bigotry is me getting on the radio and saying that every time somebody mentions basketball, in hopes that I get other people to see things my way. I don't want to give Stephen Curry a fair deal. My mind is made up and it is impossible to change. I don't care about evidence to the contrary, I don't care about proof, I don't care what you say, my convictions are permanent. Anyone who opposes my position is an enemy of mine. I am a bigot.
If I only get on the radio, or only cruise to websites that talk about the NBA, not only am I a bigot, but I am a fanatic. I cannot change my mind and I will not change the subject.
Now I happen to think that there are a certain number of people in the US who cannot stand criticism. They are dainty thin-skinned milk drinkers who are triggered by microaggressions and are offended all of the time. They demand safe spaces and warning labels on life. But most despicably, they slander their critics as bigots, and project that America is chock full to the rafters with fanatical bigots. Except for the fact that this is their only contribution to society, they might be more correct. However the loud screeching noises they emit travels to foreign shores and takes root. So people who have no experience in America take the words of these crybabies seriously, and thus pollute the difference and distance between criticism and bigotry.
I come from an educational background which is 180 degrees from the way children are miseducated today. Today, children are taught that they are inherently valuable and that they have all kinds of choices for which they will be held accountable. That no matter what choice they make, they are still valuable. I was taught that I am an empty vessel to be filled by the spirit of ideas and that only a few, well understood ideas were worthwhile. I was to discipline and conform myself to a seasoned understanding of those ideas. If I filled the vessel of self with garbage, then I would stink. Today's inherently valuable children think themselves incapable of smelling foul, and their relentlessly foul language and behavior confirms it.
I hope that they will reform their ways. Garbage collection is still done around here.
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