Doc speaks in an open letter to Pops.
Time to speak up. To keep nation from dissolving into civil unrest, I think it is imperative that people of good conscience stand up and loudly counter violent voices stirring for race riots and the death of more cops.
The graffiti on the 5 Freeway just outside of downtown LA, "Kill more cops" is indicative of the tactics violent revolutionaries seek to employee against the people's guardians. You and I both know that there is no American institution that is done more to preserve black lives the nation's police departments.
The Democratic Party -- with its welfare practices, condom distribution schools, abortion on demand and union-controlled substandard school systems has decimated the black family. Margaret Sanger (Ms Kill-a-Negra-in-da-womb) is a hero of Hillary Clinton and Planned Parenthood locations are smack in the middle of impoverished minority neighborhoods.
It's time to speak up. I'm appalled by the lack of courageous, creative and articulate leadership within our nation's police ranks. Big City Chiefs are largely mum on the deadly threats being posed by militant black terrorist organizations that have emerged. David Clarke is it! But what a powerful force he's become.
I was born for such a times as these. It's my turn to speak up. Later this week my partner and I will be assigned to patrol the BLM protest encampment of LA's City Hall East. The protesters have vowed to remain in place until the Mayor fires Chief Beck for deeming "in policy" the shooting of armed (with knife) female black who charged officers. They were in foot pursuit after she robbed a store.
I've been reading voraciously to equip myself with facts to counter false BLM narrative regarding white cops. Here's one; although blacks comprise just 12% of the population, they are 40% of those who confront cops while armed. Despite this WHITE COPS fire LAST! It's three times more likely to be shot by a non-white. As to the statistics re: unarmed suspects, cops are 18 times more likely to be shot than people who aren't armed are to be by police.
BLM is comprised of interest angry blamers who don't have strategy for reducing black on black homicides. 97% of homicides Black suffers are the hands of blacks. 81% of whites on murdered are killed by blacks. Whites kill each other only 16% of the time. Blacks hate THEMSELVES more than ANYBODY else. [Editor's note: These stats are off. c.f. FBI]
My first few days on assignments I'm just going to smile and wave. Over time I'll lay down my 'ghetto credentials' and gradually educate them on the fallacy of their premise that white cops present an existential threat to them.
Pray for me.
Peace. (Doc)
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