I put together a survey partly because it's fun and I haven't done it in a long time, and partly because I'm really not interested in people taking tangents outside of my own concerns. When it closes I will paste a link here or in the comments. The survey is all about the recent attacks on Saudi Arabian oil refineries, the extent to which is ballparked at 5% of the world's petroleum supply. That's a chunk significant enough for the President to release the taps on the US Strategic Oil Reserve. I noticed the coincidence that 4 days ago the President was shaking his fists at something related to ANWR, but I wouldn't go so far as to mumble that in front of the students. Nevertheless a small percentage of the respondents thought the US was involved in a false flag attack.
It does change my view of the Middle East. I think the Saudis have turned the corner on their vulnerability certainly with the American willingness to tell them to take a long walk off a short pier. It will be interesting to see how destabilizing this matter will be, and FWIW I might pay attention to the Yemeni war. I sense that the Iranians are getting more and more ballsy these days. I'm not sure if I care, but I'm noticing.
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