The CoronaVirus Pandemic rules today as it did yesterday...a seemingly powerful phenomenon heading back too many taken for granted weeks, Corona now even reeks havoc throughout the once restful night. And doing this with what is hard to keep up with greed and measureless fury. Sadly this and similar attitudes have become all too familiar. We all weep, shake our ever-reeling heads, have over-taxed feelings and a general drooped and miserable outlook. There is so much, too much to take...with no apparent sign of a break. Whew. When will it all end? When will we get back to what was once lived and experienced as the good life...or if not, the normal pattern of living?
Well, what follows was put together during a couple of badly needed "breaks" from the sane, sensible and thoughtful therapeutics that already address what is noted above. It is not intended to replace what folks already do and what already works. Please know and understand that I did not and do not have the esteemed FACEBOOK in mind as a "recipient". Whew.
So, here we go with some suggestions to remove ourselves from the Corona Virus Emotional Overload Speeding Roller Coaster:
# Being completely informed is a super-abundance of knowledge, but is likewise a replacement of wisdom. A once an hour 3-5 minute update will suffice.
# Listening to music always works. From much calmer times we learned what specific styles of music and what specific composers/artists are at the top. Now is their time for reconnecting with us.
# Think about someone you are not now going to call or write but whose long time ago memory causes a smile, a laugh, a few tears or all 3. Some time later, make the call.
# Take a slow walk through your house or apartment or wherever and look at something you never paid any serious attention to...and think what it might say.....if only it could talk.
# Hold in your hand a leaf from a branch in your garden or an indoor plant, close your eyes, smile and see what happens to you.
# Spell out your full name on a piece of spaces. Then think of an adjective for each letter to describe yourself...actually or ideally. Review the list in 24 hours.
# If you have a house pet, talk to that pet or pets whatever it/they might be. This includes dogs, cats, hamsters, goldfish, turtles, frogs, caged birds, etc.
# Sit in the bathtub for no less than 20 minutes. Hum softly with your eyes
# Make up a song and sing it in front of the mirror. When finished tell the mirror image exactly how you felt while singing. If you have a small portable recorder, use it.
# Go to your in-house library and, closing your eyes, select a book. Flip through it, stopping at any page. Read a few lines and in your mind draw a parallel with what the day has been like for you.
# Take a shirt and cap out of your closet and put both items on backwards. Craft a silly explanation you would give either of your living or deceased parents if either or both of them should suddenly appear.
# While safely riding on your bike, ride with one hand for a short distance. With the other hand pat yourself on the head for being so skilled and confident and silly
# Take a swig of your favorite fruit juice, briefly gargle same before swallowing and then either smile or laugh outright.
# If you on your treadmill for any length of time, make a strange and original sound every few minutes. The sound shouldn't make sense.
# Try tying a sneaker or shoe with one (either left or right) hand. Note: If you can do this without laughing at yourself, you are probably cheating!
# The next time you feel inclined to tell someone to "Have a nice day", say instead, "Have a rice day" and see if they catch it.
There is nothing wrong with the ever-unfolding protocols which are being advised to make and keep us safe and sane during the crisis. I am pretty sure the harshness of the day can be eased by trying these or countless other innovative behaviors. What is suggested above is not intended to replace whatever anyone is now doing to get through the day or night! That which is serious is NOT compromised by our taking complementary steps to lighten the load. Just crafting the above has given even me a badly needed and joyful break.
So...try any part of it. You may like it and be inclined to come up with your own list of activities. Or you might just laugh at the very thought of taking these suggestions seriously. But just think about it. LAUGHING IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL!!
and...when you get tired of laughing...
WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!
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