Seventeen years of freedom. That's what I've put in here. I love you all, but I've got to go. Not going far though. Just to a platform that is going to get me some scratch. I calculate that I've put in about $3060 dollars of unreimbursed publication funds into this place and all I have to show for it is pride. I can't say that it has been that expensive a hobby, and I certainly didn't waste anyone's time. This is the blog that won me Black Blogger of the year so many years ago. So now I'm moving off.
At the moment there are two platforms I'm working on. The first is Patreon and the second is Substack. If I can get sponsors in either or both places, I will figure out if it's worth it to stay. There are things I like about Patreon, and things I like about Substack. As I figure them out, I'll get it right sooner or later. In the meantime, I ask you to check me out at Patreon. That's where all of my sponsors live right now, and you can join for 5 bucks a month, which is close to nothing. But I believe Substack has more flexibility in all that, so when I'm ready to (if I do) make the transition I will let you know.
If you've ever engaged with me in the comment section of this blog, you know what an exciting and sometimes dangerous thing it can be. A challenge to our wits and souls. What could be better? Don't answer that. Just get your narrow or fat ass to Patreon where I will be continuing my Stoic Observations. Or check out Substack which is a bit cleaner and more economically spartan. Also check out everything else. I will soon, this month, be rearranging a singular homepage at that will work at being a comprehensive portal to all of my writing.
Meanwhile, Cobb will be around at least a year, probably in perpetuity depending on how many subscribers I get. So thanks for the Socratics. Yall have been the best. Except for Thrasher, thordaddy and that other blockhead racialist who used to spam me. Bleah. Can't end on a negative. But considering there were only three trolls I couldn't handle in 17 years, I think that's a damn fine record. See you in the funny pages.
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