And then, I'm movin on...
as i said before, his core finding seems pretty innocent...he attempted to analyze a broad social phenomenon, but only had data for a small aspect of that phenomenon - then analyzed the data and found the impact limited to extreme minority situations for blacks and also found that the most popular low-achievers, in a W-sorta-way, were white kids at prep schools. go figure...
On page 18, Fryer writes, "Blacks and Hispanics with a GPA above 3.5 are actually losing other-race friends, exacerbating the effect of 'acting white' among this select group This result is troubling, as one would hope that high achieving minority students could find refuge among high achieving whites."
Refuge? refuge. - as in shelter or protection from danger or distress. I'll admit that I read on after that, but that about did it for me...the findings are cool - somewhat intuitive and the rest - well, it is what it is. By the way, the day i need to seek refuge among high achieving whites is the day i need to push up daisies - unless of course, these high achieving whites are on a high achieving black agenda and collaborating against other high achieving whites to serve a higher purpose...then it might be okay.
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