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August 28, 2005


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don't turn on the applause light since some ignant-ass mama is waitin' for an XXXplanation that isn't coming. if she's still asking the question, she has demonstrated sufficient ignorance (not necessarily stupidity) to suggest that no satisfactory answer will come for at least three decades. that's usually how long it takes for the US to come clean about contrived wars...by that time, the point will be moot and some new ignant mama will asking the same set of ignant questions and mourning the loss of her baby. it's tragic because these are supposed to be "bush's people." he ain't doing right by his folks. it's really sad...these mothers all deserve much, much better. i'm sure chris wallace still believes the us knew nothing about the pearl harbor attack before it happened; that the attack on the uss maine was unprovoked; that cuba was really to blame for the bay of pigs and that saddam really changed a lot from 1988 to 1991 when he went from penthouse to shithouse. but then again, he probably didn't bother to explain all of that to the grieving mother - 'cuz that's they have in common with generations of mothers.

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