This is why Blacks can't afford to get hung up in the conservative vs. liberal crap.
I challenge any Black conservative with intellectual honesty who is upset about Hillary Clinton's remarks to tell me why these remarks are different:
Boggs McDonald, a former Democrat who has held local offices as a Republican since 1999, was quoted in Thursday's Las Vegas Sun as saying she regrets having been a Democrat."From my perspective, there is one last plantation in America, and it's called the Democratic Party," Boggs McDonald said.
Bush could do these things, but he won't. His goal is not to take charge of the liberal plantation run by the Democrats, but to free blacks from it.
For the first time, they saw the power and fury of white liberal racism. For the first time, they saw how white liberals try to act like plantation owners. For the first time, they saw why most Americans of color cannot stand bleeding heart white liberals.
Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson, of the Brotherhood Organization of a New Destiny (B.O.N.D.) is one of the latest to come under fire for daring to "stray from the plantation." One of Peterson's most recent infractions has been his outspoken opposition to proposals that blacks receive reparations for the slavery of their ancestors.
Just That Ole Plantation Thinking
Michael Steele should be elected to the United States Senate from Maryland, not only because he is qualified, but because he would provide a sharp contrast to the Democratic Party and its plantation mentality. Currently, the only African American in the Senate is Barack Obama of Illinois, a Democrat.
NOVAK: This afternoon, President George W. Bush met with 24 prominent African-Americans, 14 members of the clergy and 10 leaders in business and nonprofit agencies. Tomorrow, the president meets with the Congressional Black Caucus, 43 members, Democrats all.It's good for the Republican president to sit down with the black lawmakers, though I'll doubt he'll make much progress with them. But today's meeting with black nonpoliticians may be another matter. The black reverend clergy are particularly attracted to the Bush faith- based aid programs. That terrifies Democratic politicians.
Where would the Democrats be if they're not picking up around 90 percent of the black vote? What if black voters started moving off the Democratic plantation?
Show consistancy or shut the hell up.
stop throwin all that logic and sense before somebody gets hurt!
Posted by: avery | January 18, 2006 at 11:43 PM
e-mail this to Larry Elder as he has been ranting about this.
The fact that the recent comment came from a white politician is what caused the dust up (I've been rolling my eyes at the whole thing ever since).
Political diversity is a good thing for any community, but as blacks we have taken it way too far when we make it the norm to inject race in every aspect of the world of politics. Yes race is a factor, but in everything? I think not.
I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I have heard politicians make comparison to the holocaust. Why? Because there is a certain level of respect for that time in history where folks know "don't even go there with that weak comparison!" For us, if the poll worker has a bad attitude, we are already invoking Jim Crow. Many of us may get very emotional talking about slavery, but I have serious doubts that we have a thorough understanding and real respect for the people that had to go through it. As a people, we have given POLITICS the full license to use our history any way its sees fit.
It was my hope that folks would think twice about invoking slavery or Jim Crow after the Steele/Oreo cookie thing, but I think that will not happen for a long time.
Posted by: dbrayboy | January 19, 2006 at 01:27 PM